certified addiction counselorMany people entering the addiction counseling field don’t know there are many different levels of Certified Addiction Counseling. The Odyssey Training Center is proud to offer all CAC courses currently approved by OBH/DORA both at our Denver office and online. Below is a little description about every level, and the requirements to reach each certification level.

*Prior to entering the CAC program, Odyssey requests that all students attend the Introduction to Certification Requirements class. The information in this class is very important for getting certified and in our experience greatly reduces the confusion around the Certification process. The training will provide all information you need to apply to DORA to get your CAC,  from those with advanced degrees to those with only a GED.

Click here to see a list of available course dates for the free Introductory class.   


High School/GED

CAC I – High School/GED

The first CAC level can be attained with a High School Diploma/GED, For CAC I students need to complete all 7 required trainings and are also required to complete 1000 hours of supervised work experience. Complete and pass the Jurisprudence Exam for the Registered Psychotherapist Data Base through DORA

CAC II – High School/GED or above

CAC II is the highest certification level a student can attain with a High School Diploma/GED. Students must complete all CAC II requirements, in addition to their CAC I requirements  and a pass a national exam. There is a required additional 2000 hour of clinical supervision, totaling 3000 hours between levels I and II.

CAC III – Bachelor’s Degree or above

A bachelor’s degree from an accredited university in a related field is required

Student must complete all CAC I & II requirements as well as the level III classes and complete 2000 more hours of clinically supervised work.

CAC requirements with a Masters or Doctorate Degree in Behavioral Health Sciences:


Entering training with an advanced degree in Behavioral Health Sciences certainly puts those students at an advantage. As a result, OBH/DORA acknowledges the comprehensive education provided in a Master’s degree program and has greatly reduced the required CAC classes for that reason. However, OBH/DORA does require 119 more hours of required training at the CAC II level. In addition, 2000 hours of clinical work with direct supervision by a CAC III, LAC or other qualified supervisor* and passage of a national examination are required to obtain your CAC II.

*some classes may qualify for academic equivalent.


CAC III and LAC training requirements consists of 3 classes for 49 hours of training in addition to completing all the CAC II certification required training. Another 1000 hours of clinical work with direct clinical supervision by a CAC III, LAC or other qualified supervisor* and passage of a national examination.

* some classes may qualify for academic equivalent.

Odyssey classes are a carefully prepared series of required courses for each certification level. They are designed to enhance the ability of the counselor to offer treatment services in a manner that respects gender, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, cultural, familial, systemic and socioeconomic diversity. The courses are taught by some of the most distinguished instructors in the field. You can learn more about them by clicking here.